Jumat, 25 September 2009

Giat Pelatihan di ILEA Bangkok

Personnel and Facility Security Course di ILEA Bangkok selama 2 minggu lamanya. diikuti sekitar 47 peserta dari 10 negara. lumayan nambah wawasan dan teman polisi2 dari negara2 lain. juga sekalian wisata di kota Bangkok.

1 komentar:

  1. Hello! do you remember me? I learned with my you ILEA. I was in Vietnam.I've searched but not found anyone in my class blog. I feel very happy to find information about you on the internet.
    I have some picture in ilea want to share with you
    and and this is my picture : http://picasaweb.google.com/2421981/ILEABANGKOK#5389441498114955410

    and my email is kid_hinhsu27b@yahoo.com Look forward to receiving your mail
